Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

Well, this is my first post and I just want to welcome you to my blog. I have a lot I want to post, and i would love to read your comments. I will be blogging on topics related to being "penny-wise" and also making certain homemade household items. If ever there is a topic you would like to know more about that I haven't covered, post a comment. I will do my best to address that issue. Hope you enjoy my blog, come back, and tell your friends! God Bless!


Lowflyer said...

Very nice. I like the template you chose.

Lowflyer said...

The narrative under your site title is illegible. I think you either need a new font, or the narrative needs to be shorter to reduce the effect of auto-scaling due to the confined space of that title block. You might also just change the size of that title block to accomodate a larger font.

Anonymous said...

I'll be trying your laundry detergent recipe as we've had to cut back a bit more on expenses. Are you familiar with the no longer in print "Tightwad Gazette"? Quite a few good ideas there. Given the fact that even food styles change, do you have any depression era recipes that would fly in our present day? Thanks.

Unknown said...

I've never heard of "Tightwad Gazette" but I do get Debt-Proof Living. I have a lot of recipes that are low cost, if that is what you are looking for. Let me know what you are interested in (main dishes, type of meat or meatless) and I will post some recipes. Thanks for stopping by my blog!