Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Natural Fabric Softener

Before I post, I have to thank my friend Rebecca for telling me about many of these homemade products posted on my blog. The following is a recipe for homemade fabric softener.

Natural Fabric Softener

2 cups white vinegar
2 cups baking soda
4 cups water

Carefully combine all ingredients (the baking soda and vinegar will fizz). Pour into a plastic bottle, cover, and shake. Use 1/4 cup in your laundry's final rinse, or use a Downey ball.

The alternative to this that works just as well is plain white vinegar. Put it in the Downey ball, or use 1/4 cup in the final rinse, and your clothes are super soft. If you like fragrance, you can add a drop or two of essential oil to your laundry water.

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